Wasp Barcode Technologies: The Barcode Solution People
Top 5 SMB Articles From February 2014
This article is part of our bi-monthly series to keep you informed of the most current, popular topics in the best small business news publications.
Fast Answers About 1099 Forms for Independent Workers
By Anita Campbell for Small Business Trends
”As a U.S. business owner, if you hire independent contractors and service providers, you probably will have to issue a special tax form to them during January, called the 1099.“
You Can’t Always Do It All
By Jessica Banks for AMEX OPEN Forum
”You can make more money, and you cannot make more time.“
New Move to Expand Small-Business Government Contracts, Theoretically at Least
By Diana Random for Inc
”The U.S. government spends about $460 billion a year on everything from staplers and office chairs to bulletproof vests and fatigues. And if two bills proposed in the House on Wednesday get a green light on Capitol Hill, small businesses will get an even bigger slice of that pie.“
Methods of Asset Depreciation
By Brian Sutter for Wasp Barcode
”Depreciation is a topic many people find confusing, but the basic concept of depreciation is not particularly complicated. In fact, depreciation is simply a method of allocating the cost of a tangible asset over the expected useful life of the asset.“
The Myth Of The Bell Curve: Look For The Hyper-Performers
By Josh Bersin for Forbes
”There is a long standing belief in business that people performance follows the Bell Curve (also called the Normal Distribution). This belief has been embedded in many business practices: performance appraisals, compensation models, and even how we get graded in school.“
Your turn: which news story recently impacted your business? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below.