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Psssst....the secret to business synergy

  Times they are a changing! Information is everywhere, continuously. The technology your business uses should be leveraged to help organize that information, learn from that information, and adapt to the implications of that information. Synergy is what happens when interactions align for a greater purpose. If you expect your business to thrive, it’s important that you don’t mistake technology (efficiency) for synergy. Technology (efficiency) can help you synergize by revealing important information. You still have to process that information. But synergy implies human interaction. It’s important to recognize the way technology has changed business. And why this means the human component is more important than ever. The concepts outlined below will help synergize your business practices:

 Listen twice as much as you talk.

We love to talk. We love for our voices to be heard. Talking implies authority, right? You’re the captain of your ship, so you ought to have something to say to your deckhands. But listening enables you to monitor and evaluate your business efforts. Listening affords you the insight needed to adjust your course and adapt your tactics to the changing needs of your constituents. Changing is the operative word, here. What is true one day may not be true the next –no matter how informed you are. Admittedly, I talk entirely too much. When I was a child my father (after encouraging me to go argue with a fence) would remind me that there is a reason I have two ears and just one mouth. Only thanks to his repetitive guidance did I eventually listen what he was trying to say. I would argue the same holds true for business leaders. You must listen to your employees, customers, stakeholders, and competitors – listen everywhere you can. The more you listen, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you can improve.

There is no 'I' in team.

How do you start listening for critical information about your business? Develop ways to share information internally. This could be as simple as implementing a collaborative forum for sharing information, or holding a regular meeting with your team.  The fact is – your human capital holds far greater potential for your business success than the tools you use to operate. You hired them for a reason, so engage them in dialogue. Empower people to share, and you will facilitate greater outcomes.

 “We are open, honest and positive”

Business leaders must exude positivity. This confidence can’t help but rub off on your team. But first, make sure you have a team. Set expectations so that everyone understands their role and how it contributes to the larger. Encourage honesty and openness among staff (and leadership). When everyone gets it, believes it, and believes in your leadership – you’re synergizing. Have you found  successful strategies for creating business synergy in your organization? Share your experience with the community by commenting below...