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13 Steps to Creating a Killer Small Business Facebook Ad Campaign
Ask a Facebook user who is not a marketer if they ever click on Facebook ads. You will very likely get the following response: “What Facebook ads?” Is this a good thing? You bet it is! Because Facebook advertising does such a great job custom tailored to user demographics as well as user preferences, the ads do not appear to be ads at all but rather engaging content.
Now let’s talk small business. Because Facebook has some 800 million plus users, you may want to target some of these with your brand, products and/or services. What is the best strategy to accomplish this? Following are 13 tips to help you get started.
1. The very first step is to create a
Facebook Business Page.
2. Once your page is up and running, consider having a Facebook app developer create a custom app for your page. This will appear as a “tab” on the page. Be sure to define the goals of this Facebook ad campaign and keep that goal in mind when designing the campaign and app.
3. Set your app as your campaign’s landing page. When Facebook users click the “tab,” this landing page will open within Facebook.
4. The Facebook application—or tab—should have some kind of call to action, such as a discount, a special offer, or even a call to enter a sweepstakes of some kind. The general idea is to offer something that is of benefit to the user. Remember that people are mostly interested in themselves. Cater to this fact.
5. The total number of clicks required to navigate through your app should be kept to a minimum (3 clicks or less). Each time a person has to “do something” is an opportunity to lose that user.
6. Your Facebook app should prompt the user to share with at least 3 of their friends via a post on their wall.
7. As you collect the email addresses of those who interact with your App, place them in an email marketing program like Constant Contact. This way you can reach out to these users in the future. Click through rates for Facebook apps that collect email addresses are extremely high, ranging in the 70% to 80% range.
8. Create multiple Facebook Ads and conduct A/B testing, selecting only the best performing ads after testing complete. The minimum click through rate (CTR) you should aim for is 2%-4%. At a minimum, 25% of clicks should also like your Facebook Page.
9. Monitor analytics in Facebook Ads Manager and Facebook Insights for Apps. Both are free analytics programs provided by Facebook and can provide useful data on how your page is performing.
10. Once you’ve acquired hundreds or even thousands of likes and email addresses, don’t stop there. As they say, “rinse and repeat” with marketing strategies that are successful.
11. Studies have shown that over 51% of those who like a brand are more likely to buy from it.
Here are just a few studies that add validity to this point:
- Facebook Fans More Likely to Recommend a Brand, Buy Products
- How Much Is a Facebook Fan Really Worth?
- Social Media Fact: 51% of Facebook Fans More Likely to Buy
12. On a regular basis, send your fans emails or Page posts on a regular basis with discounts and clear incentives to buy from you.
13. If your campaign is a success, get PR for it by sharing case studies and statistics on your company blog.
These and additional tips are include in a data visualization below originally published by
AES Connect.